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Anniversary of November 9, 1953

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Contest rules and regulations


The 'Ekarieach 2024' competition is a national visual arts competition that warmly welcomes all individuals in the Kingdom of Cambodia, regardless of their background or experience in the field.

The rules below indicate the standards required to participate in the competition.

Candidates agree to register using the form on and to read and respect these rules.


Article 1) Participation is free of charge, with no technical constraints, must comply with the present rules, and is open to any Cambodian candidate or resident in Cambodia with a long-term visa.

Article 2) To participate, candidates must register between August 2nd, 2024, and September 30th, 2024.

Article 3)

Section A - A registration form is available on the website. It must be completed and returned to this site only with an ID photo.

Section B - A candidate can register in only one category and can present only one work in that category.

Article 4) Entries must be personal and in the entrant's name. It will be validated on the website by attributing a serial number. This number becomes that of the candidate and the work they will present at the end of October and no later than November 9th, 2024.

Article 5) This year's 2024 competition theme is Water (Teuk in Khmer). Please note: "water in all its possible forms". The object to be created must correspond to the theme.

Article 6) There are no restrictions on the dimensions or essential support of the work. However, the artist must move/transport the work himself. It cannot be a diptych but a single coherent piece.

Article 7)

Section A - The candidate must authentically create the work of "pure" artistic creation. It must be presentable to the public, unpublished, original, non-collective, surprising, non-polemical, and have a title that recalls one of the forms of the imposed theme.

Section B - Four categories will be distinguished in a single competition: Painting, Sculpture, Fine Art Photography, and Digital Graphic Art. 

About the Digital Graphic Art,  The submission must include a text of three lines describing the creative process and the digital tools and software used. The work must be print-ready in PDF file, in CMYK and 300 DPI.

Article 8) In November and December 2024, an independent jury, comprising the organizers and professionals, will assess each work's adherence to the 2024 theme and originality, ensuring a fair and transparent judging process. 

Article 9) Entries must first be sent by digital photo (including dimensions) to the address at with the applicant's registration number, enclosing three lines of presentation in Khmer, English, or French.

Article 10) The EKARIEACH anniversary date, November 9, 2024, marks the end of the period for submitting photos of works, which will then be examined by the members of the Jury.

Article 11) Submitting a quality photograph or other representation must also indicate where the work is located and can be viewed and checked by one of the Jury members.

Article 12) The works will be selected in one month. Winners will be notified by individual message and must send their works by their means to Sofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra. A shortlist will be published on the Recreation website. 

Article 13) The Jury, consisting of seven members, meets online or in person. It selects the originality and quality of the artistic creation and checks its authenticity. The Jury's role is to ensure a fair and impartial evaluation of all submitted works.

Article 14) The selected works are those that deserve to be exhibited during January 2025. They will then automatically be eligible for the Jury Grand Prize at Ekarieach 2024, which includes a trophy and a cash prize of two thousand US dollars offered by Sofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra. 

Article 15) Four possible winning prizes of 750 USD will be awarded by the decision of the Jury, one per category, for the works exhibited.

Article 16) In the event of piracy, organized manipulation, or force majeure, the Jury may decide to terminate the competition before the end of the procedure. Winning entries will remain the property of their authors. Each member of the Jury undertakes to act with the integrity necessary for the ethics of the competition. 

Article 17) The selected winners, duly informed in December 2024, must, by their means, ship and unpack the original work concerned to the Sofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra, with a view to an on-site exhibition open to the public and taking place in January 2025 for at least four weeks. The exhibition will provide a platform for the winners to showcase their work to a broad audience. 

Article 18) A receipt will be issued upon delivery of a work by a candidate or his delivery person. Sofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra will provide insurance coverage for the job throughout the exhibition and storage period. 

Article 19) The prize-winners undertake to sell the selected work during the exhibition period at a price determined by them and the gallery curator and to respect the conditions of sale, with the shared commission, published on the website 

Article 20) The Jury meets during the exhibition and holds a secret ballot for each category to award a trophy.

Article 21) The exhibitor disseminates information about his selected work and invites visitors to the Gallery.

Article 22) Candidates and prize-winners agree to abide by these rules. Application and shipment of the work constitute acceptance of each of these rules.

Article 23) The prize-giving ceremony will take place in Sofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra in the presence of the exhibitors, the press, and a representative of the French Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts.


Acceptance of the application implies acceptance of the Regulations in 2024.